Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
140 results for:

Multi Position Test Systems

The individual system components of a MTE meter test system are modularly developed and can be combined in any order for testing of single- and three-phase meters with or without closed I-P links. Test systems are available with fixed meter racks or with moveable trolleys and gantries to fulfill different requirements and increased test capacity.

PTS 400.3 PLUS-2

PTS 400.3 PLUS

Provides automatic testing of electricity meters and complex multifunction meters. The portable, fully automatic PTS 400.3 PLUS is a modular three-phase test system available in two versions.

SRS 400.3

The SRS 400.3 three-phase, electronic reference standard in 0.02 accuracy class for use in meter test systems.

SRS 121.3

The SRS 121.3 three-phase, electronic reference standard in 0.05 accuracy class for use in meter test systems.

ZVE System

ZVE System

The ZVE  three- or single-phase power source is designed for use as a current and voltage generator in meter test systems.

PSP System

PSP System

The PSP System is a single- or three-phase electronic voltage- and current power source  used in the testing of electricity meters or other devices.

SPE System

SPE System

The SPE  System is a three-phase electronic voltage- and current power source used in the testing of electricity meters or other devices.

PSI 10

PSI 10 / 120 A

The PSI 10 is a single-phase, computer controlled current source up to 120 A for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

PSI 10 / 200 A

PSI 10 / 200 A

The PSI 10 / 200 A  is a single-phase, computer controlled current source up to 200 A for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

PSU 10

PSU 10

The PSU 10 is a single-phase, computer controlled voltage source for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

PSP 10

PSP 10

The PSP 10 is a single-phase, computer controlled voltage and current source for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

SPE 120.3

SPE 120.3 / 120 A

The SPE 120.3 is a three-phase, computer controlled voltage and current source with 300 or 600 VA for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

SPE 120.3 / 200 A

SPE 120.3 / 200 A

The SPE 120.3 / 200 A is a three-phase, computer controlled voltage and current source with 600 VA for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

CAMCAL for Windows

SMM 400+

The modular Evaluation System SMM 400 provides error calculation, testing of emitting contacts and communication to tariff device units to the meter under test. Four different versions cover all customer requirements.


The IMP-IF1 interface adapter is suitable for interfacing MTE reference standards with meters having retransmitting contacts, open-collector transistor outputs or true S0-outputs to allow full testing of meters with these types of outputs interfaces.

SH 2003

The SH 2003 photoelectric scanning head is suitable for scanning the marks of mechanical rotating disc meters or the detection of light emitting diodes (LED's) of electronic meters. Mode of operation is selectable via a switch.

SH 11

The SH 11 universal scanning head is suitable for scanning the marks of mechanical rotating disc meters or the detection of light emitting diodes (LED's) of electronic meters plus simulated pulses on LCD displays. Mode of operation is selectable via a switch.

SH 2015

SH 2015

The SH 2015  photoelectric scanning head is designed for the efficient and accurate testing of electronic meters.



The SHC range of scanning head supports has been designed for use with the SH 2003 and SH 11 scanning heads.

HT 2010

HT 2010

The HT 2010 wireless hand held  terminal is designed for recording meter-specific data at meter test systems.



The QCD Quick Connection Device is used together with electricity meter test systems, and is recommended for high volume production output.

QCD Form S

QCD Form S

The QCD Form S Quick Connection Device is used for the support and connection of practically all types of self contained (direct connected) or transformer operated ANSI socket meters.

EMP 1.3

EMP 1.3

The EMP 1.3 Quick Connection Device is used together with electricity meter test systems, and is recommended for  high volume production output.

Test of single phase meters

Testing single phase meters with closed links

With ever increasing frequency, meter manufacturers and meter operators are producing and using meters that do not allow the links between the current and voltage measuring circuits ( I-P links) to be opened for test or calibration purposes.

Test of three phase meters

Testing three phase meters with closed links

With ever increasing frequency, meter manufacturers and meter operators are producing and using meters that do not allow the links between the current and voltage measuring circuits ( I-P links) to be opened for test or calibration purposes.

CT 2.3

ICT 2.3

The ICT 2.3 three-phase Isolation Current Transformer is used on multi position test benches, when three-phase meters with closed links between the current and voltage measuring circuits (I-P links) are to be tested.

ICT 1.3-200 A

ICT 1.3-200 A

The ICT 1.3 three-phase Isolation Current Transformer is used on multi position test benches, when three-phase meters with closed links between the current and voltage measuring circuits (C-P links) are to be tested.

PWS 3.3

The PWS 3.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Working Standard of accuracy class 0.05 or 0.1 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 4 current channels.

PPS 400.3

The PPS 400.3 is a powerful and portable threephase current and voltage source. All test values are generated absolutely synthetically with a high degree of accuracy and stability. Following the different demands of customers, this source is available in two versions, for the supply of transformer meters with a maximum current up to 12 A as well as wider range source up to 120 A. The PPS 400.3 portable power source may be used

CheckSource 2.3

The CheckSource 2.3 is a three-phase current source for currents up to 6 A. The test currents are generated with the same frequency and a user-defined phase shift to the voltages applied to the voltage inputs (phantom load). Alternatively the test currents can also be generated with a user defined frequency.

CheckSystem 2.3

The CheckSystem 2.3 portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.2 and a current source up to 16 A.

TVU 7.2

The TVU 7.2 scanning head support is for on-site meter testing with the SH 11 photoelectric scanning head.

Hot Sticks

Hot Sticks

Hot Sticks for measurements on high voltage and current potential up to 40 kV
and 2000 A.

Transport case to PTS 400.3 PLUS

Transport case to PTS 400.3 PLUS

The transport cases has been especially designed for the portable test system PTS 400.3 PLUS and allows transporting the test system well protected and comfortable to the use on site.


The HYDROCAL 1003 is an online monitoring system permanently mounted on the transformer. It measures continuously Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the most important faults gases Hydrogen (H2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO).


The HYDROCAL 1005 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Acetylene (C2H2) and  Ethylene (C2H4) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1008 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4) and  Ethane (C2H6) dissolved in transformer oil.


The CALPORT 300 is a accuracy class 0.05 Reference Standard and an universal test system for the comprehensive investigation and commissioning of all components of a modern metering installation.

HYDROCAL 1003 Offshore

The HYDROCAL 1003 Offshore is an online monitoring system permanently mounted on the transformer and is special designed for Offshore Wind Power
. It measures continuously Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the most important faults gases Hydrogen (H2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO).

CheckSystem 2.1

The CheckSystem 2.1 portable test system consists of an integrated single-phase 120 A current source unit and a single-phase electronic reference standard available in class 0.2.

PTS 400.3 PLUS

The portable, fully automatic test system PTS 400.3 PLUS consist of two seperate modules. The highly accurate reference standard PRS 600.3 of accuracy class 0.02 and the programmable power source PPS 400.3, available in two versions of up to 12 A or 120 A.

Impulse Interface IMP-AKT1

Interface between MTE reference standards and meters with ground referenced contacts in the range 50 V … 265 V

CheckMeter 2.1

CheckMeter 2.1

The CheckMeter 2.1 Portable Working Standard is a single-phase portable electronic meter test unit in accuracy class 0.2%, used for testing single phase electricity meters on site.

CheckSource 2.3

CheckSource 2.3 is a three-phase current source for currents up to
6 A.

PTS 400.3 PLUS

The PTS 400.3 PLUS system consists of a reference standard PRS 600.3 of class 0.02% and a programmable power source PPS 400.3, which is available in two versions of up to 12 A or 120 A.

CheckSystem 2.3

The CheckSystem 2.3 portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase 16 A current source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard available in class 0.2.

CheckSystem 2.1

The CheckSystem 2.1 portable test system consists of an integrated single-phase 120 A current source unit and a single-phase electronic reference standard available in class 0.2.

Portable Test Equipment

Single and three phase portable test units available over a wide range of accuracy classes for on-site testing or laboratory use.

Stationary Test Equipment

Stationary Test Equipment

Single and three phase test systems are available with fixed meter test racks or with movable trolleys and gantries.



The K2006 is a class 0.01 three phase comparator which has been especially developed for use in universal laboratory and test areas.



The CALPORT 300 is a class 0.05 Reference Standard and an universal test system for the comprehensive investigation and commissioning of all components of a modern metering installation.

PWS 3.3

PWS 3.3

The PWS 3.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Working Standard of class 0.05% or 0.1% and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 4 current channels.

PPS 400.3

The PPS 400.3 is a powerful, portable three-phase current and voltage source. The source is available in 12 A or 120 A version.

CheckSource 2.3

CheckSource 2.3 is a three-phase current source for currents up to
6 A.

CheckSystem 2.3

CheckSystem 2.3

The CheckSystem 2.3 portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase 16 A current source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard available in class 0.2.

CheckSystem 2.1

The CheckSystem 2.1 portable test system consists of an integrated single-phase 120 A current source unit and a single-phase electronic reference standard available in class 0.2.



Meter Test Station for 10 measurement positions, reference standard 0.05 %, electronic power source with 300 VA, IEC 1107 communication capability.



Meter Test Station for 20 measurement positions, reference standard 0.05 %, electronic power source with 300 VA, IEC 1107 communication capability.



The HYDROCAL 1003 is an online monitoring system permanently mounted on the transformer. It measures continuously the most important faults gases hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO).



The HYDROCAL 1005 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of moisture and the key gases hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), acetylene (C2H2) and ethylene (C2H4) dissolved in transformer oil.



The HYDROCAL 1008 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of moisture and the key gases hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4) and ethane (C2H6) dissolved in transformer oil.

Metering International

Edition December 2004
"New Meter Test Equipment and Current Transformer Test System for Mongolia Electricity Company"

Metering International

Edition September 2005
"Instrument Transformer - The forgotten Link in the Accuracy Chain"

Metering International

Edition June 2006
"The Evolution of Meter Test Technology"

Metering International

Edition September 2006
"Instrument Transformer - A Racecar with the wrong Settings"

PWS 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site. The PWS 2.3 genX allows checking of all meter installation parameters and associated circuits.

HYDROCAL 1005 Offshore

HYDROCAL 1005 Offshore

The HYDROCAL 1005 Offshore is an online monitoring system permanently mounted on the transformer and is special designed for Offshore Wind Power Applications. It allows for the  individual measurement of Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Acetylene (C2H2) and  Ethylene (C2H4) dissolved in transformer oil.



The HYDROCAL MS-7, is an extension package to MTE's HYDROCAL product line. With this solution MTE addresses the issue that thermal conditioning is one of the most important means to detect transformer problems and to avoid transformer outages.

PRS 600.3

The PRS 600.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Reference Standard of accuracy class 0.02 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 3 current channels. The device is equipped with two 8.4” colours TFT VGA displays based on touch screen operation.

SRS 121.3 / 200 A

SRS 121.3 / 200 A

The SRS 121.3 / 200 A three-phase, electronic reference standard in 0.05 accuracy class for use in meter test systems.

SRS 400.3 / 200 A

SRS 400.3 / 200 A

The SRS 400.3 / 200 A three-phase, electronic reference standard in 0.02 accuracy class for use in meter test systems.

SQE 120.3

SQE 120.3

The SQE 120.3 is especially appropriate for test laboratories to perform compliance, acceptance or type test of electricity meters and different types of power, energy and power quality measurement devices, following the existing (IEC 61000-4-30, EN 50160) and the new (IEC 62586-1,2) power quality standards.



Hydrosoft is a program compatible with Microsoft® Windows for controlling the entire MTE HYDROCAL product line and reading out all kind of relevant data.



CALegration is an all-in-one software package to operate MTE´s portable and stationary test equipment product lines with one software solution and on a common database. It bundels the fuctionalities and advantages in a new comprehensive software solution.

CheckSystem 2.1 S

The CheckSystem 2.1 S portable test system consists of an integrated single-phase 120 A current source unit and a single-phase electronic reference standard available in accuracy class 0.05.

PWS 2.3 genX

PWS 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1 %, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site. The PWS 2.3 genX allows checking of all meter installation parameters and associated circuits.


The HYDROCAL 1009 is a permanently installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It individually measures, Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6) and Oxygen (O2) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1001+ is a permanently-installed composite gas-in-oil sensor for the analysis of six dissolved key fault gases such as Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), Acethylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), and Ethane (C2H6). To detect an even wider range of potential transformer faults, the HYDROCAL 1001+ analyses additionally the content of Moisture (H2O) in the transformer oil.

CheckMeter 2.3 genX

The CheckMeter 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.2, used for testing single- and three-phase meters on-site.

NEW: If only single-phase meters are to be tested, the CheckMeter 2.3 genX can be ordered with a single-phase user interface and a single-phase 120A current clamp to simplify operation.

CTs up to 120 A

Clip-on CTs up to 120 A

Error compensated clip-on CTs for measurement in the range of 10 mA ... 120 A.


For the testing of multiple single-phase meters with fixed links between the voltage and current path on a test bench galvanic isolation must be provided at each test position. This can be done with isolation transformers for the voltage path or the current path at each position.

HYDROCAL 1004 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1004 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.

Transport pocket PWS 2.3 genX

The transport pocket has been especially designed for the portable working standard PWS 2.3 genX and allows transporting the standard well protected and comfortable to the use on site.

PRS 600.3

The PRS 600.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Reference Standard of class 0.02% and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 3 current channels.

PWS 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1%, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site. The unit can be used either with a direct connection in the range of 1 mA ... 12 A, or by using a set of 3 active 120 A error compensated UCT clamp-on CT’s.

CheckMeter 2.3 genX

The CheckMeter 2.3 genX Portable Standard Meter is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.2, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on-site.
The unit has direct voltage inputs and one UCT Universal Current Transducer input, which can be used with different independent transducers to measure the current with clamp-on CT’s or direct or with high voltage current sensors.

CheckMeter 2.3 genX

The CheckMeter 2.3 genX Portable Standard Meter is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.2, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on-site.


The CALPORT 300 is an universal test system for the comprehensive investigation of all components of a modern metering installation. Characteristic features are its wide measuring range, the high accuracy and the small dependence of disturbing

CheckSource 2.3

The CheckSource 2.3 is a three-phase current source for currents up to 6 A. The test currents are generated with the same frequency and a user-defined phase shift to the voltages applied to the voltage inputs (phantom load). Alternatively the test currents can also be generated with a user defined frequency.

CheckSystem 2.1

The CheckSystem 2.1 portable test system consists of an integrated single-phase current source and a single-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.2. Characteristic features of the CheckSystem 2.1 are its wide measuring range, high accuracy and high tolerance to unwanted external influences.

K 2006

The K2006 is a high accuracy comparator of accuracy class 0.01, especially suitable for use in metrological institutes and high precision measuring laboratories.

PRS 600.3

The PRS 600.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Reference Standard of accuracy class 0.02 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 3 current channels. The device is equipped with two 8.4” colours TFT VGA displays based on touch screen operation.

PWS 3.3

The PWS 3.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Working Standard of accuracy class 0.05 or 0.1 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 4 current channels.

PPS 400.3

The PPS 400.3 is a powerful and portable three-phase current and voltage source. All test values are generated absolutely synthetically with a high degree of accuracy and stability.

PWS 2.3 genX / CheckMeter 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1%, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site.

The CheckMeter 2.3 genX Portable Standard Meter is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.2, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site.


Single- and three-phase, standardized and individual test systems are covering all legal metrological test requirements for simple meters, high precision multifunction meters, smart meters and reference standards.


The HYDROCAL 1001+ is a permanently-installed composite gas-in-oil sensor for the analysis of six dissolved key fault gases such as Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), Acethylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), and Ethane (C2H6). To detect an even wider range of potential transformer faults, the HYDROCAL 1001+ analyses additionally the content of Moisture (H2O) in the transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1009 is a permanently installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It individually measures, Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6) and Oxygen (O2) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1003 is an online monitoring system permanently mounted on the transformer. It measures continuously Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the most important faults gases Hydrogen (H2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO).


The HYDROCAL 1005 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Acetylene (C2H2) and  Ethylene (C2H4) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1008 is a permanently-installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It allows for the individual measurement of Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4) and  Ethane (C2H6) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1009 is a permanently installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It individually measures, Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6) and Oxygen (O2) dissolved in transformer oil.

VSB 10.3

In many meter test stations, separation of energized parts and user cannot be realized by means of stationary separating safety equipment. For this reason, movable or non-separating safety equipment is used. To allow the use of safety switches or light curtains in meter testing stations, a safety related signal evaluation is required. Here a safety relay analyzes the starting conditions and in case of need interrupts the dangerous voltage.

HYDROCAL 1009 Offshore

The HYDROCAL 1009 Offshore is a permanently installed multi-gas-in-oil analysis system with transformer monitoring functions. It individually measures, Moisture in Oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6) and Oxygen (O2) dissolved in transformer oil.

Voltage Presence Indicator

The voltage presence indicator is a lamp drawing the attention of the operator to the presence of dangerous voltages.

PTS 2.3 genX

The PTS 2.3 genX portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase current source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.1. Characteristic features of the PTS 2.3 genX are its wide measuring range, high accuracy and high tolerance to unwanted external influences.

Clip-on CTs up to 100 A

Electronically compensated clip-on CT's up to 100 A

Clip-on CTs up to 1000 A

Precision current clamps up to 1000 A

FLEX 3000

Flexible Current Transformers up to 3000 A

PQ Operation Manual

CALegration PQ

This document is an extension to the CALegration Operation Manual and treats especially the Power Quality functions of the software.

For the installation and basic functions of the software please consult the CALegration Operation Manual also.

A Login is required to download the CALegration PQ manual.

HYDROCAL 1011 genX P

The HYDROCAL 1011 genX P is a portable device for the analysis of dissolved and free gases from the isolation fluid of oil-filled power transformers and other electrical equipment. It individually measures moisture in oil (H2O) and the key gases hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethane (C2H6), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2) and propane (C3H8) dissolved in transformer oil.

eMOB I-32.3 AC

The new eMOB I-32.3 AC test adapter enables in combination with the PWS 2.3 genX portable working standard a comprehensive on-site test of AC charging stations for electric vehicles

HYDROCAL 1006 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1006 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.

PTS 3.3 genX

The PTS 3.3 genX portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase current and voltage source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.05. Characteristic features of the PTS 3.3 genX are its wide measuring range, high accuracy and high tolerance to unwanted external influences.

PPS 3.3 genX

The PPS 3.3 genX is a powerful and portable three-phase current and voltage source. All test values are generated absolutely synthetically with a high degree of accuracy and stability.


The K2008 is a three-phase comparator of accuracy class 0.005 (50ppm) with direct voltage and current inputs. It has been designed for universal laboratory and test applications and is intended for checking and the calibration of reference standards for electrical power and energy. In addition, it can be integrated into meter or reference standard test systems of highest accuracy.

Enlit Asia '21

Article from Melissa Fitzgerald -

Smart Meter Testing Made Easy with New Portable Devices

PTS 2.3 genX

The PTS 2.3 genX portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase current source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.1. Characteristic features of the PTS 2.3 genX are its wide measuring range, high accuracy and high tolerance to unwanted external influences.

PTS 3.3 genX

The PTS 3.3 genX portable test system consists of an integrated three-phase current and voltage source unit and a three-phase electronic reference standard of accuracy class 0.05. Characteristic features of the PTS 3.3 genX are its wide measuring range, high accuracy and high tolerance to unwanted external influences.

PSI 10 / 320 A

PSI 10 / 320 A

The PSI 10 / 320 A  is a single-phase, computer controlled current source up to 320 A for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

eMOB I-200.1 DC

The new eMOB I-200.1 DC test adapter enables in combination with the PWS 3.3 genX Portable Working Standard a comprehensive on-site test of DC charging stations for electric vehicles.



HYDROCAL BPD is a modular online monitoring system for high voltage bushings. It supports the measurement of voltage and phase angle on the test tap to derive tanδ/PF, bushing capacitance.

HYDROCAL BPD can be combined with other HYDROCAL models, preferably HYDROCAL genX, in order to set up a comprehensive monitoring system.

SRS 121.1 DC

SRS 121.1 DC

The SRS 121.1 DC is a 6-channel single-phase reference standard for DC power/energy class 0.04 for verification of 1 up to 6 DC Meters or DC Energy Measuring Units of EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) at the same time.

PWS 3.3 genX

The PWS 3.3 genX is a combination of a Portable Working Standard of class 0.05 % and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 4 voltage (U1, U2, U3, UN, UPE) and 4 current channels (direct: I1, I2, I3 and via clamp-on CT: IN / IPE Neutral current / Protection Earth current).
The modular concept of the PWS 3.3 genX allows the extension of the direct current measurement range from 12A up to 120A and the addition of a battery pack keeps the device running in the event of interruptions in the supply voltage.

HYDROCAL 1011 genX animated

HYDROCAL 1011 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1011 genX is a full-range / maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with miniaturized gas sample production based on headspace principle (no membrane, negative pressure-proofed). It individually measures Moisture in oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6), Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2) and Propane (C3H8) dissolved in transformer oil.

HYDROCAL 1004 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1004 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.
As Hydrogen (H2) is involved in nearly every fault of the insulation system of power transformers and Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a sign of an involvement of the cellulosic / paper isolation the presence and increase of Acetylene (C2H2) further classifies the nature of a fault as overheating, partial discharge or high energy arcing.

HYDROCAL 1006 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1006 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.
As Hydrogen (H2) is involved in nearly every fault of the insulation system of power transformers and Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a sign of an involvement of the cellulosic / paper isolation the presence and increase of Acetylene (C2H2) further classifies the nature of a fault as overheating, partial discharge or high energy arcing.
The additional measurement of Ethylene (C2H4) and Methane (CH4) serves for further analysis, e.g. Duval triangle according IEC 60599.

HYDROCAL 1011 genX P

The HYDROCAL 1011 genX P is a portable device for the analysis of dissolved and free gases from the isolation fluid of oil-filled power transformers and other electrical equipment. It individually measures moisture in oil (H2O) and the key gases hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethane (C2H6), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2) and propane (C3H8) dissolved in transformer oil.

HYDROCAL 1004 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1004 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.
As Hydrogen (H2) is involved in nearly every fault of the insulation system of power transformers and Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a sign of an involvement of the cellulosic / paper isolation the presence and increase of Acetylene (C2H2) further classifies the nature of a fault as overheating, partial discharge or high energy arcing.

HYDROCAL 1006 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1006 genX is the first truly maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.
As Hydrogen (H2) is involved in nearly every fault of the insulation system of power transformers and Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a sign of an involvement of the cellulosic / paper isolation the presence and increase of Acetylene (C2H2) further classifies the nature of a fault as overheating, partial discharge or high energy arcing.
The additional measurement of Ethylene (C2H4) and Methane (CH4) serves for further analysis, e.g. Duval triangle according IEC 60599.

HYDROCAL 1011 genX

The new HYDROCAL 1011 genX is a full-range / maintenance-free multi-gas online DGA solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with miniaturized gas sample production based on headspace principle (no membrane, negative pressure-proofed).
It individually measures Moisture in oil (H2O) and the key gases Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), Ethane (C2H6), Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2) and Propane (C3H8) dissolved in transformer oil.

HYDROCAL 1011 genX P

The HYDROCAL 1011 genX P is a portable device for the analysis of dissolved and free gases from the isolation fluid of oil-filled power transformers and other electrical equipment. It individually measures moisture in oil (H2O) and the key gases hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethane (C2H6), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2) and propane (C3H8) dissolved in transformer oil.


The HYDROCAL 1001+ is a permanently-installed composite gas-in-oil sensor for the analysis of six dissolved key fault gases such as Hydrogen (H2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), Acethylene (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), and Ethane (C2H6). To detect an even wider range of potential transformer faults, the HYDROCAL 1001+ analyses additionally the content of Moisture (H2O) in the transformer oil.

SRS 400.3 / 300 A

The SRS 400.3 / 300 A three-phase, electronic reference standard in 0.02 accuracy class for use in meter test systems.

HydroSOFT Hybrid App

HydroSOFT Hybrid App is a Microsoft® Windows compatible program which, together with devices of the HYDROCAL family, forms a comprehensive transformer monitoring system. In addition to processing and presenting the read-out HYDROCAL data, HydroSOFT Hybrid App is also used to configure the HYDROCAL devices.

Note: Not all HYDROSOFT devices are currently supported, so for more information, please get into contact with your responsibel Sales Manager.

New technologies expand the performance range of Online-DGA-Systems

Article in Transformers Magazine | Vol. 10, Issue 4 | 2023


Three-phase Comparator (Class 0.005) for verification of Reference Standard Meters and other precision Electrical Measuring Equipment and Systems

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