MTE offers a broad range of products and solutions for the online gas-in-oil monitoring of transformers (online DGA). With its individual and modular system components MTE provides the optimal customer oriented solution for utilities, industries and transformer manufacturers.
Analysis of the gases dissolved in power transformer oil is recognized as the most useful tool for early detection and diagnosis of incipient faults in transformers. The cost effectiveness of online dissolved gas analysis (DGA) and control systems are gaining importance worldwide.
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OnlineDGA Motion Video (mp4)
HYDROCAL 100x genX Motion Video (mp4)
Composite or individual analysis of the key fault gases dissolved in power transformer oil for early warning indication and initial fault classification.
Permanently installed online DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) devices for the individual analysis of multiple gases and detailed fault classification.
Portable device for the analysis of dissolved and free gases from the isolation fluid of oil-filled power transformers and other electrical equipment.
The new HYDROCAL genX product family is the first truly maintenance-free multigas online DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) solution combining proven near infrared (NIR) measuring technology with vacuum protected membrane extraction.
Bushings or the line output represent the second largest group of transformer failures (about 25%) after windings (43%) and before tap changers (23%). Therefore, bushing monitoring can help reduce these errors, while UHF partial discharge analysis of the active part of a power transformer is an ideal combination with online DGA from the HYDROCAL product family.
HydroSOFT Hybrid App is a program compatible with MS Windows for controlling the eintire MTE HYDROCAL product line and reading out all kind of relevant data.