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Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG
Logo MTE Meter Test Equipment AG


Comprehensive, innovative range of reference standards, single or three phase, available in accuracy class 0.2 up to 0.01. Ideal devices for the overall investigation for testing electricity meters and their installation on site.

PWS 3.3 genX

The PWS 3.3 genX is a combination of a Portable Working Standard of class 0.05 % and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 4 voltage (U1, U2, U3, UN, UPE) and 4 current channels (direct: I1, I2, I3 and via clamp-on CT: IN / IPE Neutral current / Protection Earth current).
The modular concept of the PWS 3.3 genX allows the extension of the direct current measurement range from 12A up to 120A and the addition of a battery pack keeps the device running in the event of interruptions in the supply voltage.

CheckMeter 2.3 genX

The CheckMeter 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.2, used for testing single- and three-phase meters on-site.

NEW: If only single-phase meters are to be tested, the CheckMeter 2.3 genX can be ordered with a single-phase user interface and a single-phase 120A current clamp to simplify operation.


The K2008 is a three-phase comparator of accuracy class 0.005 (50ppm) with direct voltage and current inputs. It has been designed for universal laboratory and test applications and is intended for checking and the calibration of reference standards for electrical power and energy. In addition, it can be integrated into meter or reference standard test systems of highest accuracy.

PWS 2.3 genX

The PWS 2.3 genX Portable Working Standard is a three-phase portable electronic meter test unit of accuracy class 0.1, used for testing single and three-phase electricity meters on site. The PWS 2.3 genX allows checking of all meter installation parameters and associated circuits.

PRS 600.3

The PRS 600.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Reference Standard of accuracy class 0.02 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 3 current channels. The device is equipped with two 8.4” colours TFT VGA displays based on touch screen operation.


The CALPORT 300 is a accuracy class 0.05 Reference Standard and an universal test system for the comprehensive investigation and commissioning of all components of a modern metering installation.

PWS 3.3

The PWS 3.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Working Standard of accuracy class 0.05 or 0.1 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 4 current channels.

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