MTE Meter Test Equipment AG is pleased to announce the launch of the PWS 3.3 genX.
The PWS 3.3 genX is a combination of a Portable Working Standard of class 0.05 % and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 4 voltage (U1, U2, U3, UN, UPE) and 4 current channels (direct: I1, I2, I3 and via clamp-on CT: IN / IPE Neutral current / Protection Earth current).
The modular concept of the PWS 3.3 genX allows the extension of the direct current measurement range from 12A up to 120A and the addition of a battery pack keeps the device running in the event of interruptions.
As one of the first MTE reference standards the new PWS 3.3 genX supports the calibration of DC meters or DC energy measurement units up to 1000 VDC / 200 ADC and the calibration of digital meters, non-conventional CTs / PTs and merging units with SV Sampled Values interface (IEC 61850-9-2 LE) in digital substations.
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